Deploying RHPAM on OpenShift 4

Jeffrey Taylor
4 min readJun 30, 2021

Deploying Red Hat Process Automation Manager On Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

For details, see the complete documentation here: Deploying Red Hat Process Automation Manager On Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

The documentation (URL above) for deploying PAM on OpenShift is complete. Many detail are covered such as integration with Maven, Databases and persistent storage for .niogit.

In my case, I only needed the most trivial deployment, but following the steps in the OpenShift 4 GUI, was confusing. Here are the mouse clicks needed for two different PAM deployments: rhpam-trial and rhdm-authoring.

PART A. Installing a rhpam-trail environment:

A-1. Install the Business Automation Operator:

A-2. Wait for the instance to deploy

A-3. Find the password:

A-4. Find the route to Business Central:

A-5. Log in to Business Central:

A-6. Time to start designing:

A-7. The kieserver swagger interface is available by going to the kieserver URL and adding /docs/ to the end of the URL:

PART B. Installing a rhdm-authoring environment

B-1.Starting with the operator installed, as shown above:

B-2: Create a new instance

B-2: Choose the rhdm-authoring environment:

B-3. Change the name to match your environment and go the the YAML view:

B-4. Go to Snippets, add Common Configs

B-5. Bug RHPAM-3774 “Bad YAML from RHPAM OpenShift operator, create instance, Snippets, Add Common Configs”: The YAML has 2 spec blocks. You will need to manually fix this

B-6: Fixed YAML

B-7: Click “Create”, above

B-8: The second environment is now being launched:

B-9. As above, wait for the deployment to complete

B-10. You can now click on the routes to go to Decision Central and the kieserver

B-11. Working with self-signed certificates can be annoying: type in “thisisunsafe”

B-12. You can now log in to Decision Central

B-13 And start working:

Conclusion: Using OpenShift 4 operators to deploy a trivial instance of Red Hat Process Automation Manager is much easier than with the older OpenShift 3 deployment steps.

